Valley Metro 66 Bus Driver Robs me

i was robbed by a valley metro bus driver today - filing a claim against scottsdale & tempe

Monday, December 29, 2008 9:39 AM

Copy of this file with a time stamp to proved I created it today

i got on the 66 bus this morning and put a $1 in the computerized bandit fare box. it accepted the $1.

then i shoved in a 25 cent coin. the computerized theif fare box refused to take the coin. so i shoved in the coin several times before the fare box timed out.

the bus driver was a black woman who was a real ***hole and i suspect hates white people. she treated me like ****!

i told the lady to give me one of those curtsey passes you give people when your theiving computerized bandit of fare boxes steal peoples money with out issiung them a pass.

i told her several times i would give her the $1.50 towards the cost of an all day pass but she refused on that.

she refused. she must have give me 20 different excuse why it was ok for you theives to steal my $1 and not give me an all day pass.

i then asked her for a note to give the next bus driver so i wouldnt have to pay again. she refused. i suspect she had passes she could have give me. but she was an ***hole and didnt give me one.

at first she offered to let me talk to her superviser but i declined. as this went on i got ****ed off and asked her to get her supervisor. that time she refused.

when i told her i was going to file a law suit and sue valley metro she told me she was going to make me get off at the next bus stop. you guys are real ****ing ***holes!!!!! you steal my $1 then tell me you going to throw my ******* *** off the bus if i complain about it.

i suspect the bus driver, the city of tempe and the city of scottsdale and valley metro violated a number of laws against racial discrimination.

the amount of the claim is for $1,000,000 to cover my butt.

i would like to make a request for public records and i want a copy of the video tape that was recorded when i got on the 66 south bound bus at about 5:05am at 68th street and mcdowell till when i got off the bus. please give me the audio tapes too. i plan to use the tape to sue the city of tempe, scottsdale and valley metro.

i am going to file a complaint with the scottsdale police later on today. this is nothing but robbey by government theives. i gave you ********* my money but you refused to give me an all day pass or return my money.

Here is photo of the bus pass I ended up buying later on that day

**** you!!! your goverment tyrannts!!!!!


I then took the 72 bus to chandler. The fare box was broken so the driver let me ride for free, as did everybody else on the bus.

When I came home the drive of the 104 bus did give me a reduced fare pass and I used it the rest of the day.

bus pass I got in Chandler

Jan 10, 2009

I bought a 31 day bus pass because the lady that ripped me off for $1 the first time I rode the 66 bus wont let me ride for the reduced fare rate even though I am handicaped.

I have a feeling she will try to steal the card from me and rip me off for $45 more when I try to use it tomorrow.

So I scanned the card and a copy of the receipt I got when I bought the card at the Tempe Library.

back of bus pass i bought at libary and used on Jan 11

front of bus pass i bought at library and used on jan 11, 2009

receipt i got at the tempe library when I paid for the bus pass

As I said before I thought the wacko lady bus driver might try to steal my bus pass, but as of yet she has not tried to steal it. Also it appears that she doesn't drive the 66 bus any more on Monday, Tuesday, and Wed. I have seen her drive it once or twice on Thursday.

Another run in with the wacko bus driver

She refuses to drive bus, because a man had his earphones too loud

Friday, January 23, 2009 I run into the wacko lady bus driver again.

This time I was late and at about 7:54 I had to take a leek and the question was go to Safeway and take a leek or wait around and catch the bus which comes at about 8:00 am.

I crossed the street and was going to Safeway but I noticed the bus coming down at about Apache so I back tracked and waited at the bus stop. By now it was 7:56 am.

When the bus came I noticed the drive was the same Black woman with the silver hair who ripped me off when they changed bus drivers and bus routes back around on Monday, December 29, 2008.

I threw my bike on the bike rack and got on the bus.

I noticed the driver was eating. She appeared to be eating candy. But who cares. Rules are made to be broken, and like cops if bus drivers break the rules they ain't going to punish themselfs.

I ran my card thru the cash box computer. The lady mumbled something which I could not understand. I thought oh no, this woman is going to give me a bunch of krap again. But I ignored her and went to the back of the bus to sit down.

Before I got on the bus, at the old landury mat I got a copy of the State Press which is the Arizona State University newspaper. I started reading it.

I am not sure where it happened but the bus driver started yelling again. I thought she was yelling at me and wondered why on earth is this nasty woman bus driver yelling at me now?

But the crazy woman bus driver was not yelling at me. She was yelling at some guy at the very back of the bus who had headphones on and was listening to some music. She was yelling at him to turn down the headphones.

I though Jesus this woman bus driver is a real jerk. She just likes to fight with people. I am sitting in the back of the bus two rows from the guy and I can't even hear his headphones, while she is at the very front of the bus yelling at the top of her lungs telling the guy to turn down his headphones. I figure maybe the woman bus driver had superhearing. But I figure nah, she is just a jerk who likes to yell at people. Yes she is a jerk who likes to yell at people. She yelled at me a lot when she stole a $1 from me the first time I rode with her.

I usually sleep on the bus, so since I planned on sleeping after I read the State Press I moved to the front of the bus, because I didn't want to listen to they guys headphones.

I did that as a precaution, because I was orginally at the back of the bus and I could not hear the guys headphones even though I was two rows from him.

I don't remember what happened next, if the lady continued to drive, or if this was our final parking place.

Anyhow now we are at Southern and Rural, by the Tempe Public Library and the lady let two people on the bus.

The lady driver then gets out of the bus and calls somebody at Valley Metro and demands a supervisor be sent out to her.

She then gets in the bus and yells at the guy with the headphones. I ain't going to go nowhere till you turn those headphones down. And even more importantly I am getting paid while I waste all of our time and your not.

She said the I am getting paid part twice.

The guy also had a call phone and he called Valley Metro and complained about a nut case driver. He also complained about the driver eating, which he said is a violation of the rules.

I am thinking why on earth did I have to get this crackpot driver again!!!

Jesus lady, it aint that bad. Just keep driving so you don't make all the people on you bus late. You can continue to drive while you wait for your supervisor to come.

I also thought with perfect 20/20 hindsight that when I requested that she call her supervisor she refused. In stead she threatened to kick me off the bus.

Anyhow by now people are getting off the bus to see if the next bus is coming. On Rural Road the buses come every 15 minutes.

I had to pee so I got off the bus, got my bike and drove to CVS and peed! Then I drove my bike back to the bus.

At that time the next bus was there.

I was going to get on the next bus but the lady driver told everybody to get back on her bus.

The supervisor got there at that time.

The guy with the headphones got on the next bus.

Now it looks like the lady is going to delay starting her bus because the supervisor is here.

So the other bus is in Rural Road next to this bus. So I drag my bike out to Rural and put it on the next bus.

The supervisor gets on the next bus and talks to the guy with the headphones.

The supervisor and the guy get off and the supervisor tells the guy he will take him where he is going. But I suspect the supervisor is going to arrest the guy.

Click here to listen to the tape recorded notes I took after I got off of the bus.

And here are the notes I made on the State Press while I was on the bus! The bus number was 6199, not the 6166 I think I said in my oral notes. I may have typed in the 6166 number in these notes, but that is wrong. The correct bus number is 6199 as I wrote on the State Press newspaper which a scan of follows.


State Press - Jan 23, 8 am, bus number 6199


Same Valley Metro Bus Driver robs another passenger

On the day after the Super Bowl the woman bus driver ripped off a Black security guard just like she ripped me off.

Here are details on that incident.

Well this time she didn't rob the guy. After he argued with her a while she gave him a curtsey pass, as she was supposed to.

I wonder if that was because the man was Black?

Well today on Tuesday, Feb 3 I had another incident with this crazy woman bus driver.

Today the woman yelled at me and insulted me as I rode from McDowell road to McKellips and then again as I rode from College & University to Mill & University.

Feb 10 - About to use another bus pass

This is the last day my bus pass is good for. So on Sunday a bought another 31 day bus pass at the Tempe Library. Here is a copy of the bus pass and receipt just in case the crazy bus driver tries to steal it from me tomorrow. Bus pass I will use from Feb 11 to March 13 Receipt from Tempe Library for 2nd bus pass I plan to use from Feb 11 to March 13

March 11, 2009 - About to use another bus pass

Bus pass for March 14 thru April ??

Receipt for bus pass for March 14 thru April ??

March 19, 2009 - She yells at me again

When I got on the bus Thursday the wacko lady bus driver yelled at me that I better take the paper with me when I get off the bus.

Here is my email to the city of Tempe and Valley Metro asking for a copy of that video shot on the bus.

Normally I take the New Times on the bus and I leave it there when I am done, so the next bored person on the bus has something to read.

Usually the guy who gets on at University and College grabs the paper I leave behind.

But I guess the woman bus driver needs somebody to yell at. So she yells at me for leaving the paper there. Well she yells at me in ADVANCE when I get on the bus, not to leave the paper there when I get off.

Jesus I bet that lady must hate everybody in the world.

Just in case the lady tries to rob me again and steal my April 14 thru May 14 bus pass I scanned them in and placed copies of the bus pass and receipt from the Tempe library here.

April/May Valley Metro bus pass Receipt for April/May Valley Metro bus pass

Thursday, April 24 Motocycle Incident

On Thursday April 24 the nutso woman bus driver got into a yelling match with a motocycle as she was making a left turn from University on to Mill Avenue. This is what happened.

May 12, 2009 Another bus pass

It is Tuesday May 12, the day before Emperor Obama will talk at ASU. I bought another bus pass which I will use for May 15 thru June 14.

May 15 to June 14 2009 Bus Pass Receipt for May 15 to June 14 2009 Bus Pass


Bad Tempe Cop2